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"What some people don't know is that characters in a story can make more of an impact than some people on Earth can." 

"Writers' block will eventually eat away every bit of good writing I once had. And then what? I'm empty and the words I write will turn into  pointless, meaningless letters."

"I will write with bleeding fingers. I will write with sore hands. I will write with heavy eyes in need of sleep. I will not stop writing until my characters tell me I can." 


Let me drown my embodiment 

In your well-crafted sentences, 

Like ocean waves overlapping, 

Suffocating until my very last breath 

is breathed 


a.k marēt

With his voice nearly above a whisper, he asks, "Why fear the stars?" 

She stifles a laugh at such a question and murmurs, "How can you not?" 

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